Paristhithi Vijnanakosam

(Environmental Encyclopaedia)
Many Environmental challenges that society faces today, are discussed in this encyclopaedia: Global warming, climate change, depletion of ozone layer, reduction of biodiversity, deforestization, the threat raised by plastic and e-waist, energy crisis, and so on. There are war fronts in defence of environment in India, such as Appiko Movement, Chipko Movement, Narmada Bacha Aandolan, Chaliyar, Plachimada, Koodamkulam, Narmada and so on. Many have come forward to protect environment. Among them are Rachal Carson, Sunderlal Bahuguna, K. Abdul Rahman, Mylamma, Medha Parkar and Kallen Pokkudan. There are articles on them in this Encyclopaedia Earth summit, Ecological summit and other summit meets, treaties, declarations, ecological deserters resulting from nuclear tragedies (eg. Chernobyl. Fukishima etc.) are discussed in this. There are also articles on organic farming methods which are based on environmentally sustainable practices devoid of the use of potentially hazardous insecticides and pesticides. Thus there are articles touching open environmentally important issues.
This volume is in ¼ demy size. It contains 840 pages. Our Encyclopaedia is visually attractive and aesthetically appealing. It is prices at Rs. 700/-