Jyothishasthra Vijnanakosam

(Encyclopaedia of Astronomy)
This is a valuable reference book in 704 pages. It is set in ¼ demy size. This volume is set in art paper, and is presented very attractively. Eventhough very important and serious scientific topics are dealt with in the Jyothishasthravijnanakosham, the articles, appeal to all common readers. There are about 600 articles and more than 2000 pictures in colour, and photos of so many astronomical geniuses, great theories that analyze the origin and development of the universe, and so on. One can also see write-ups on space travels, on search to find out if there is any sign of life anywhere other than on earth, on the history of astronomy, on very famous observatories, and so on. India astronomy, with extra stress on Keralite astronomy, is given special importance. There are about 600 articles and more than 2000 pictures here released by Nobel Laureate. It will be an asset to anyone who possesses it. The price is fixed at Rs. 900/-